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Ex-Ryman Healthcare Group CEO Testimonial

Kia ora Deirdre,

It is a privilege to be able to reflect on one of the most powerful learning experiences in recent times for me, and indeed many of the Ryman team at the time – our day with Salta Horses!

We had a wonderful time with you and the Salta Horses team in July 2021, as part of the Ryman Healthcare Advanced Leadership Programme (ALP) - provided by Melbourne Business School in collaboration with Ryman

The Ryman ALP served all our senior leaders, covering a diverse range of backgrounds and skills – from Clinical, Construction, Property Development, Sales, Operations, Technology, Finance, HR, Design and more!

What was remarkable about our time with your team, and the wonderful Salta horses was the powerful insight you and the team gave us; to help us understand the impact that our energy and emotions have on a sentient being – through working hands on with your treasured horses.

Sometimes you can’t see the true emotional / energy impact that you undoubtedly have on fellow humans as a leader, as so much of our interactions are masked by learned behaviours.

A horse however “just is” and responds to you in kind – giving you real time feedback on your being.

Becoming more conscious of the impact you have on your team, and your colleagues, through your body language, energy and emotions was a powerful lesson for me and one that I have regularly reflected on since.

It’s a bit like learning the practical realities of the motto – you may not remember everything a leader did, but you always remember how they made you feel

What is completely unique about the Salta Horses experience is the opportunity to learn these serious leadership and development lessons in natural beauty and with beautiful creatures, who give you the truest feedback of all

I look forward to spending time with the horses again in the future and especially my new friend for the day Ben!

Nga mihi


Ex Ryman Healthcare Group CEO

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